Writer Wednesday with Award-Winning Author, Bob Hostetler

I met Bob Hostetler at a recent ACFW-Indiana meeting. I had no idea how much I admired his work until I saw his book table. And there it was. A book that had a huge influence on my life as a youth minister and teen Sunday School teacher: I raised my kids and a whole passel of other kids on …

Steampunk Hat Phase 1

I need a steampunk hat to go with my genre costume at the ACFW National Writer’s Conference in Dallas, Texas. As I explain in the video below, I decided that making a steampunk hat would be less expensive than buying one ready-made from an Etsy store. I was wrong. The hat I really wanted was one like this (I adore …

Live Blogging Realm Makers Conference: Keynote Speaker Tosca Lee

What an amazing day I’ve had at Realm Maker’s conference today! This morning’s Keynote Speaker was best-selling author, Tosca Lee. If you’ve never read any of her books, I highly recommend you do. Her style and voice are unique and powerful. As I wrote before, she has a voice akin to liquid velvet. I can’t get enough of her. Did …