Welcome to day four of the Christmas Countdown 2016! Today’s Random Act of Kindness: Pray for two people you haven’t prayed for in a long time or better yet, pray for your enemies. I find the best cure for unforgiveness is to pray for those who have hurt me. It’s not easy. But it’s not only how we are to …
Christmas Countdown Day 3
Welcome to day three of the countdown to Christmas! Today’s Random Act of Kindness: Make cookies for a neighbor or enemy and deliver them in person. If you’re like me, and have little time to actually make cookies, don’t let that stop you. Order up some homemade-style cookies, slap a bow on them and deliver them. Keep it simple. Don’t …
Christmas Countdown Day 2
As I said in Day 1’s post, I caught myself being a bit of a grump about Christmas so decided to do something about it. Enter my Random Act of Kindness coundown. Here’s day 2: Help Clean Someone’s House or Yard If you’d like all the random acts of kindness in one list, email me and I’ll send you a …
Top 10 Christmas Gifts for Busy Writers (Or at least for this one)
I love writerly gifts. But most of the time, my friends and family haven’t a clue what such things are. I may leave my computer open to this post in case Mr. Himself walks by… Here are my top 10 picks this Christmas in no particular order. Number One: Jane Austen Action Figures and anything Jane Austen. Such as this, …
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas
Okay, so I’m early (a proper lady is never late). But it’s never too early to plan for Christmas, right? I simply must share this little treasure with you. It’s a book called Watch for the Light and it includes readings from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dorothy Day, Madeleine L’Engle, Martin Luther, Kathleen Norris, Henri Nouwen, Philip Yancey, Karl Barth, Síren Kierkegaard. Thomas Aquinas, …
Welcome to A to Z! We’d love to have you join the fun, either blogging your way through the alphabet with us, or simply visiting. =) We dearly love visitors. If you’re joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Since this is a blog hop, you can grab the code for …
Easy-peasy fudge!
This is a recipe blog hop! Go here to get the button and join us each week: The Most Delicious Recipe Blog Hop. Then add your recipe post to mine with the linky codes at the end of this post. Whether you’re a paleo, vegetarian, southern cook, or baker, you’re welcome to join me and post a weekly recipe! As …
Kris Kringle and Kittens
Welcome to A to Z! We’d love to have you join the fun, either blogging your way through the alphabet with us, or simply visiting. =) We dearly love visitors. If you’re joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Since this is a blog hop, you can grab the code for …
Recipe of the week: Melba’s Butternut Balls — a recipe from the 1970s
This is a recipe blog hop! Go here to get the button and join us each week: The Most Delicious Recipe Blog Hop. Then add your recipe post to mine with the linky codes at the end of this post. Whether you’re a paleo, vegetarian, southern cook, or baker, you’re welcome to join me and post a weekly recipe! This …