We were supposed to leave yesterday. Finally, about an hour ago, we squeezed ourselves into the car. All five of us. We’re going to travel 5100 miles. Together. In a car. 5100 miles. Now, mind you, we all have special needs. Two have autism, one has Alzheimer’s, one has ADD (my husband) and one is riddled with a genetic propensity …
God’s Unexpected Blessings
A week ago today I was feeling rather low. I even blogged about it I was feeling so bad. Then, one blessing after another flowed into my life in unexpected ways. I got good news. A check came in the mail. And by sheer Providence, I got to meet Temple Grandin and interview her face to face for a full …
Autism app: Chore Pad
This week will be our first week to try Chore Pad to keep track of chores. I will post a review of this app next week. The twins are 18, but they have developmental delays and need help staying on task. I’m terrible about charts that hang on the fridge. Our lives are so busy that they either get forgotten …
When parents of disabled children kill
I’m not condoning her actions. But I understand what it’s like to lose hope. It’s the worst feeling in the world. You can’t think straight after being pummeled by your child day in and day out with no end in sight. There just isn’t enough support for parents in this country. We love our children. We love having them with us in our home. But where is the support?
School is not enough.