Autism looks different in every family because autism is different in every person. My experience with autism is unique and different from my friend’s experience with her son with autism. There are similarities, yes. The frustration, and the damage to our sons’ brains is the same. But her son exhibits behaviors my sons don’t and vice versa. Raising identical twins …
2017: Progress not perfection
I gave up on New Year’s resolutions several years ago. But I didn’t give up on choosing a theme or slogan for the year. For 2017 I’ve chosen “Progress not Perfection” as my mantra. This is because I tend toward perfectionism, which is a sin of pride, and also an excuse to procrastinate. Example:”I can’t get all the laundry done in …
Autism: Not Different Enough
When I read Gloria Doty’s book about her daughter with autism, I felt a great kinship with her. As you know, my twin adult sons also have a diagnosis of autism. As we venture into adulthood with them, I found this book an absolute comfort. It helped me realize that I’m not the only one experiencing all these new adventures …
Karla Teaches
As you may or may not know, I’m nearing the end of my journey toward my degree in Special Education! If I make it through student teaching I’ll graduate in December. Yay! If you’d like to follow my adventures, you can do so here at If you have ever been a student teacher and have tips for me, I …
You are being manipulated. Here’s how.
Let’s get something straight right up front. I love technology. Not only for how easy it makes my life, but mainly for how it can be used to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since the birth of Christ, nothing has given us a bigger platform to share the love of Jesus than the Internet. Nothing. However, saying something is …
The best time of day to write
All my adult life I’ve felt guilty about my circadian rhythm. Add to that the knowledge that my favorite authors rise and shine in the wee hours of the morning to write, and I feel even more guilty for being a Night Owl. I capitalized Night Owl because the Night Owl is actually my college mascot. Something tells me I’m …
The Art of Interruptions
Okay, this is hilarious. I had this post completely written and guess what? It disappeared. Then I wrote it again. And added pictures. And the pictures disappeared. Then when I added the pictures again and checked on it–saved it, published it, the original post showed up without pictures. (I was working in Blogger for a cross-post to Hoosier Ink. I …
How’s that Chromebook working out for ya?
As I posted last week, my beloved computer died on me. Actually, it was the hard drive. The second one. I’m very hard on hard drives because I keep my computer on 24/7. I hate rebooting because if I stop in the middle of a project in the middle of the night, I don’t want to lose my train of …
Can you hear me screaming all the way to your house? My computer is broken. Hard drive is kaput. No, I didn’t lose data. I have it backed up on Carbonite. (Thank You, Lord!) I’ve learned that lesson the hard way. I’m very hard on computers. They rarely last me more than four years. And like clockwork, they blow up. …
Journey Through the Storm
Monday I got caught in a terrible storm driving between my town and the town where my appointment was. Living rural means you get nowhere fast. It was at least a 30-minute journey under the best of conditions. It took me an hour-and-a-half to get home. As I was driving, it struck me how focused I was on what was …