Let’s see, it’s already January 19 and I’m just now getting around to mapping out my year. But in my defense, it’s only because I had to finish up a three-credit-hour course in Science methods which I did in two weeks. Talk about noodle brain! But I did it, and now I can move on to other things! Yay! (God …
Time — it’s not what you think!
Today I’m blogging on my teaching portfolio website. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I have some happy news to share there. Yes, I have a life outside of writing. Believe it or not. I’d like to think it makes me a better writer. Mostly, though, I think it makes me tired. That one time …
How I Get It All Done (Sorta)
Like you, I’m insanely busy. Sometimes I feel as if I don’t even have time to breathe. This can make writing hard. Not only for finding time to write, but having the mental clarity to write. It doesn’t get easier as we get older. We need a lot more brain support in terms of exercise, nutrition and supplements. I was …
What’s on Your Writing Desk?
In the coming weeks, I’ll feature an author’s writing desk/den/cave/lair on my blog. I’m super excited about this! I love peeking into writer’s spaces to see where they tune into their inspiration. Some spaces are more glamorous than others. And I think it’s fun to see how other people do it. As for me, I have a room called an …
L, M, N, are probably not going to get me noticed in search engines. O Well.
When my computer crashed, I missed the weeks of L, M, N in our A to Z blog hop. Horrors! And now it’s already time for the letter O! So here goes. L is for lazy. I had a very lazy Christmas holiday. I slept tons. I mean, I never knew it was humanly possible to sleep as much as …
5 ways I get it all done
People often say to me, “I don’t know how you get it all done!” And truthfully, I don’t really. Having it all and doing it all is a myth. But what I do accomplish is because I have priorities and a constant plan. As a pastor’s wife in full-time ministry with my husband, a full-time college student, CASA volunteer,Prison Fellowship …
Autism musings: control freaks
As autism parents, we may find ourselves seeking to control other things around us because we can’t control autism.
Back to school
I’m waxing nostalgic about the twins going back to school on Tuesday. I resent that classes start so early in the summer. Seems to me they should take less days off during the year for teacher in-services. Why can’t they do those before the school year begins? Why cut a kid’s summer short? One of the reasons this is an …
When life grabs you by the ankles tango anyway
Whew. It’s been quite an adventure these past few weeks and I’ve missed blogging regularly. Between college classes, writing a book and my son’s wedding, Holy Week activities and church responsibilities I feel like I’ve been in an abyss with an undertow pulling me under. But here I am! I’m baaaaaack! (At least for today!) My son’s wedding was a …
Erica’s Edition: Time Management Woes
Today’s post is brought to you by my busy college intern, Erica Graphman. Do you ever have those days where you have so much on your plate that you don’t know where to start and you end up not doing anything? I’ve been finding myself with this problem more and more this year. Everyone repeatedly tells me I need to …