Hello, Dear Reader. It’s been a long pandemic. So much has happened that I need to mentally process. I’ve tried to type to you so many times in these past two years but my brain just would not engage. I’ve been through a LOT. Many things I am not free to share because they involve others and I do not …
The War on Words
As a United States citizen, I often wondered if freedom of speech would one day be squelched by the government. But in the past few months, it’s not the government hindering writers from penning their hearts. It’s the technocracy — that elite, wealthy, untouchable group of tech moguls — that threaten this sacred freedom. But not everyone’s freedom of speech …
What makes a writer great
There’s not a reputable writer out there that doesn’t want to be the best in their craft. One way we scribes measure our success is by how many awards or best-sellers we have under our belt. Others measure it by how many books they’ve published or sold. A top-ten Amazon ranking, a New York Times Best-Seller list: what writer hasn’t …
The (not so) glamorous life of a writer
Hello, beautiful people! Today is LAUNCH DAY! Yep, today is the day my new book, A Pair of Miracles, the story of my twins’ journey with autism, ventures out into the great big world. (Did you get your copy yet? Huh, huh, huh, did ya, did ya, did ya?) Okay. Maybe a bit too much coffee this morning??? Since so …
What do I have in common with a breakdancing gorilla?
Did you hear that? That was me breathing a huge sigh of relief. I finally finished four huge papers for my Master’s Degree. I’ll have a few weeks off and then I’ll be back to the grind of writing papers again. In the meantime, I may or may not have celebrated like this exuberant gorilla. I’ll wait while you watch: …
Autism grows up: social media, bullies, and boundaries
When we adopted the twins 22 years ago, I couldn’t have known the challenges we’d face with them when they became adults. Besides having to use key-less entry locks to keep things in the proper places, we’re also learning to navigate this brave (sort of) new world of social media. How does a parent with adult children with disabilities help …
Are you old school 3-D or digital?
I think I live in an awesome time to be a writer. What used to take months, even years, to research, I can learn now with just a few clicks. I don’t have to travel anywhere but to my writing cave to go all over the world. I don’t even need a thesaurus, dictionary or encyclopedia at my side. Click. Click. …
An open letter to friends and family from a writer
Dear Friends and Family: (Note: This letter is not in any way a reference to my darling Mr. Himself!) There have been some rumbles lately about the time I spend writing. To help us all get on the same page about this wordsmith-ing gig I’m into, I thought I’d write this letter to set a few things straight. Few people understand …
Announcing Blog of the Year Winner!
Last year I held a contest in which I featured a different blog each month. The following blogs recieved the Brilliant Blog Award in 2016 and were in the running for the Most Brilliant Blog of all 2016: 1. Camels and Chocolate by Kristen Luna. My favorite secular blog. It’s a travel blog and the photos and layout of this blog …
Countdown to Christmas Day 24
Welcome to Countdown to Christmas Day 24! Tomorrow’s Christmas! Today’s Random Act of Kindness Go to a Christmas Eve Service and give a family a treat. Today’s Scripture, Isaiah 9:2-7, TLB The people who walk in darkness shall see a great Light—a Light that will shine on all those who live in the land of the shadow of death. 3 For …