As you may know if you read any of my posts last week, I’ve launched a new contest this year. I’m recognizing outstanding blogs. Blogs that catch my eye. Blogs that I love.
In choosing blogs for this award, I follow the rubric below. Now, keep in mind, anytime there’s a contest that pits one thing against the other, a judge’s opinion is extremely subjective. Also, as this is my first time doing this type of thing, this rubric is subject to change. As I learn more about what works and what doesn’t in creating a great blog, and as I scrutinize blogs more carefully this year, I’m certain to figure out other important or not-so-important elements.
But I also go with a gut reaction when I’m at the blog site. If there’s a quick intake of air, if I feel that my time has been well-spent, if I feel butterflies — chances are it’s a blog that even lines up with the rubric I’ve created.
By the way, I’m not comparing blogs with over 1000 subscribers to blogs under 1000 subscribers. All blogs are considered in this contest as separate entities apart from their popularity. I don’t choose a blog simply because it’s more popular. There are a lot of popular blogs I don’t read or don’t like. I choose them for how they appeal to me or meet my needs as a Christian writer.
Now. On to the awards! Drum roll please!
My first pick is in the Secular Travel Blog category. I’ve chosen Camels and Chocolate by Kristen Luna. I’ve followed Kristen for quite a few years now. But when she gave her blog and website a makeover, I was mesmerized. There’s really nothing I don’t like about this blog. Copious pictures. An engaging writing style. Useful information. Not to mention the aesthetics of this blog are second to none. Congratulations, Kristen! Giving you this award is a no-brainer. Readers, if you want to know how to do a blog in an engaging way, study this one!
Food category — The Miss Nini Blog. Full disclosure: “Miss Nini” is a friend of mine from way back when I lived in Iowa. But we haven’t seen one another in person for more than 20 years! And we just recently (about a year ago) got back in touch via Facebook. She and her husband, a very successful sheep farmer, attended our little storefront church in Anita, Iowa years ago. And now she’s a famous baker! She’s won tons of awards at the Iowa State Fair, been a contestant on Shark Tank, and got her picture in the New York Times.
But that’s not why I love her blog. First, who doesn’t love baked goods, right? But I also love Miss Nini’s writing style. You have no idea how thrilled I was to learn she is writing a book now. Her turns of phrase are as delicious as your kitchen concoctions, I assure you.
My next two picks are in the Christian writing category. These go to:
Zoe M. McCarthy and Karen Wingate’s, Grace on Parade Blog
I have fallen in love with Zoe M. McCarthy’s writing advice. One of the reasons I like it so much is that it’s worthy of my time and the posts are usually moderate in length. I get a lot of info without spending a lot of time. Several of her posts I’ve bookmarked. The information is so worthy. I never delete a post that shows up in my mailbox.
Karen Wingate’s blog, Grace on Parade, contains rich content. And I absolutely love the daisies! Her web design is lovely. But it’s the content that’s impressive. Each post is well-thought-out. Each post conveys a message. I like that.
So, tell me, Dear Reader, what are your favorite blogs so far this year? Weigh in!
And congratulations to January’s winners! Write on, ladies! I’ll be in touch with the secret code for posting the button to your blog (if I haven’t given it to you before now).
What do our winners get? Winners get to display the Brilliant Blog Button on their website. Readers can click on the button to vote for them for Blog of the Year. Fun, right?
Tweet this: January’s Brilliant Blog Awards announced!
Do you have an award-worthy blog or know of one? Let me know in the comments below. And take time to congratulate January’s winners!
Comments 7
Congratulations to the winners!!
My favorite blog is Lines by Leanna. This is truly a great way to start your day and will score extremely high on your scale. Read and enjoy!!
Thanks for the nomination William and for stopping by today! 🙂
I love Lines by Leanna. She is a brilliant writer and truly a godly woman. She asks and answers provocative questions and encourages me every day!
Great, Jan! I’ll check her out. I appreciate the recommendation.
Line from Leanna really speak to me and touch me where I am. I have been so b,Essex by her!!
Thanks for letting me know, Debbie!
Lines by Leanna – honest, sincere and REAL – love it!!!