There are a lot of lies out there. But just because they exist doesn’t mean we have to believe them. From the beginning of time the enemy, Satan, has been lying to women, twisting God’s Words and causing them to doubt Truth.
Here are some lies that flow through today’s culture. Lies you don’t have to believe.
Lies a Strong Girl stands up to and dares to defy:
- It doesn’t matter who your friends are.
- It doesn’t matter how you dress–fashion is more important than modesty.
- It’s okay to talk trash about people behind their backs.
- It’s okay to use profanity.
- Pretty girls/women are more worthy or “I’m not pretty enough.”
- Skinny girls/women are more worthy or “I’m not skinny enough.”
- Only girls/women who have a boyfriend are worthy.
- Your value is based upon how many friends you have on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (you get the picture…)
- It doesn’t matter what music I listen to or movies I watch.
- It doesn’t matter what I post online.
- It doesn’t matter what I text.
- It’s okay to experiment with sex as long as it’s not intercourse.
- You can hate your parents or other family members and friends and still be a Christian.
- The most important thing in life is to have fun.
- Being sexy is more important than being modest.
- Education isn’t important or “I’m not smart enough.”
- It doesn’t matter how you earn your money just as long as you have the latest gadget or fad.
- You’ll never keep a boyfriend unless you have sex with him.
- I’m stuck and the only way out is to do something against what I believe.
- I’ll never have a friend I can trust.
Through the next few weeks, I’ll be addressing these lies and what our response should be to them.
What lies have you been told?