I don’t want to be a downer, but 2015 for me was the pits in many ways.
But guess what?
God is still on the throne and Jesus is coming soon!
Will He come in 2016?
Who will be elected president?
If you listen to the doomsayers, it’s going to be a defining year and danger is just around the corner. But our eyes aren’t to be on the storms and waves around us. Our eyes are to be on Jesus. And the safest place to be is in the center of His will.
My prayer for you for 2016 is that you will hunger for more of Him, and you will feast your eyes on Him, so that you will live in perfect peace.
Tweet this: Our eyes are to be on Jesus & the safest place to be is in the center of His will.
Comments 2
Amen to that, Karla! 2015 wasn’t the greatest year for me either, but I am looking forward to the rest of 2016 with hope, knowing that Christ is at the center of it all!
You’re absolutely right Karla – 2016 will be great! And I always smirk a little when I hear someone scared about the future – because, as Christians, we already know the end of the story! It doesn’t matter what happens, the ending turns out awesome.
So enjoy 2016 and remember that we were called to live life and live it to the full.