Writer Wednesday with Award-Winning Author, Bob Hostetler

I met Bob Hostetler at a recent ACFW-Indiana meeting. I had no idea how much I admired his work until I saw his book table. And there it was. A book that had a huge influence on my life as a youth minister and teen Sunday School teacher: I raised my kids and a whole passel of other kids on …

Time — it’s not what you think!

Today I’m blogging on my teaching portfolio website. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I have some happy news to share there.  Yes, I have a life outside of writing. Believe it or not. I’d like to think it makes me a better writer. Mostly, though, I think it makes me tired. That one time …

How I Get It All Done (Sorta)

Like you, I’m insanely busy. Sometimes I feel as if I don’t even have time to breathe. This can make writing hard. Not only for finding time to write, but having the mental clarity to write. It doesn’t get easier as we get older. We need a lot more brain support in terms of exercise, nutrition and supplements. I was …

5 ways I get it all done

People often say to me, “I don’t know how you get it all done!” And truthfully, I don’t really. Having it all and doing it all is a myth. But what I do accomplish is because I have priorities and a constant plan. As a pastor’s wife in full-time ministry with my husband, a full-time college student, CASA volunteer,Prison Fellowship …