If there’s one thing I am grateful for from my public school education in the 70s, it’s that I was able to take classes to learn how to touch type. I can still type about 93-102 words per minute (WPM), and believe me, it’s come in handy when writing books, blogging, and writing research papers! (Thanks, Mr. Geesik!) (I can …
Meet me in Iowa!
Hi, Friends! Just a wee update to let you know that I’ll be speaking at the Homeschool Iowa Conference next week! Here are the topics I’ll be covering: Technology and Your Homeschool Is technology really all that important? How should you use it in your homeschool? When should you not use it? Learn some creative ways to integrate technology in …
Time management: a new way of doing things around here
Let’s see, it’s already January 19 and I’m just now getting around to mapping out my year. But in my defense, it’s only because I had to finish up a three-credit-hour course in Science methods which I did in two weeks. Talk about noodle brain! But I did it, and now I can move on to other things! Yay! (God …
Let’s hear it for special education teachers!
I’m subbing for a special education teacher this week. She’s a first year teacher and do you know what my first clue was? The only break she has all day is 30 minutes for lunch. So the next time someone tells me that teachers only work 6 hours a day and that they are overpaid, I want you to walk …
Hey, Strong Girl, how much are you worth?
“But I was lonely, and he was there, so one thing led to another and…” Just because you’re lonely doesn’t mean you aren’t still a Strong Girl. Everyone gets lonely. I imagine Jesus did, too. But no one, absolutely NO ONE has a right to your body just because they ask. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: Do you not know that …