I actually got my start writing full-length novels via National Novel Writing Month! I was a participant way back in 2005. Chris Baty even loaned me a laptop that year so I could participate. I’ve never, ever forgotten that generosity. A laptop at that time in my life was simply not something I ever thought I would own. But as I showed myself faithful to the gift, God provided later on.
I actually wrote my newly released novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots during NaNoWriMo 2009! (The rough draft, people, the very primitive rough draft.)
I’m going to participate this year in order to finish my work in progress. September and October have been insane schedule-wise. And since I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo in the past, my husband and kids are used to Mom’s grueling word count schedule in November.
NaNoWriMo taught me how to keep writing even when I didn’t feel like it, when I wasn’t inspired, when I was bored and when the tedium was overwhelming. It taught me a lot, and I highly recommend the experience for anyone who has ever thought about writing a book.
NaNoWriMo founder, Christ Baty, actually quotes me several times in his book, No Plot? No Problem! The book is great, but the quotes he used are a little embarrassing…something about me being inspired in the bathroom or some such thing.
Can’t imagine that about me, can you?
So why not join me and be my writing buddy atNaNoWriMo? Who knows if we get to 50,000, words?
We won’t know if we don’t try, right?
Here’s your supply list for our noveling marathon:
1. Caffeine
2. Chocolate
3. Favorite sound tracks
4. Chocolate
5. Comfy jammies
6. Chocolate
I know it will be tough gathering up all those supplies, but I promise they’re necessary for keeping writer’s block at bay.
Leave me a comment below and let me know if you’ll join me in November! Write on, dear friends! The world needs your novel!