Blogging is like exercise. It’s too easy to get in the habit of not doing it.
I love to blog. I’ve blogged since the 90s and have had at least a dozen blogs over the years. My problem is finding a focus.
I tend to lead life that way, too. There are so many shiny things that distract me: theology, writing, music, history, conspiracy theories, politics, entertaining, disabilities, advocating for children (my CASA work), my church ministry–and I haven’t even begun to brush the surface of my family, job and college responsibilities.
Because I’m attracted to so many things, I’m easily distracted. Sadly, I remind myself of that verse in Daniel 12:4:” Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Sure, I run to and fro doing regular human stuff, but I also go here and there indulging my insatiable appetite for knowledge. How far I run! Via google I can browse the National Palace Museum in Taipei and then fly over to Venice and purse the Ca’Rezzonico. If I want I can squeeze another couple of hours at the British Museum before sauntering over to study the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.
So, dear reader, I’m learning I have a need to get focused.
Right now I’m in the throes of college math exams — working on my degree for Special Education — another shiny thing that is important to me. Just as important as writing.
And, to be honest, there’s also a family crisis in our lives right now that is emotionally draining.
But as I sit here in the library waiting for my granddaughters to get out of one of their summer fun classes, I’m filled with gratitude for a patient, loving God. I know He’s waiting for me to quit running around like a toddler and settle in and pay attention. (I’ve always said you can’t teach a moving target. Is that what I am, Lord?)
I may not have been here writing very much these past few weeks, but one thing I’ve managed to keep up with is prayer and bible reading. I’m thankful for that. I don’t think I could survive the buffeting without time in His Word. I’m so thankful for the hunger God has given me for Him . And I wonder — is that what He’s calling me to focus on more?
My heart is so full. I have so much to share with you. But where do I start? How do I begin? And just what is it you want to know?
Your Questioning Servant,
Comments 2
Ha ha ha! I’m exactly the same – too many shiny things! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Rebecca! It’s good to know I’m not alone!