It’s frustrating as a parent of children with autism to know there are excellent resources out there but that Indiana schools fail to access them. In too many public schools, autism is an annoyance, especially at the secondary level. This is partly due to not addressing the needs of students with autism at the elementary level. If students are reached …
A Pair of Miracles: Isaac got a job!
When your identical twin brother has a job and you don’t, it’s a tough row to hoe. Let’s rephrase that. When your identical twin brother with autism has a job and you have autism, and you don’t have a job yet, it’s super hard to process and understand. Last week Isaac started his new job! This has been a long road for …
The (not so) glamorous life of a writer
Hello, beautiful people! Today is LAUNCH DAY! Yep, today is the day my new book, A Pair of Miracles, the story of my twins’ journey with autism, ventures out into the great big world. (Did you get your copy yet? Huh, huh, huh, did ya, did ya, did ya?) Okay. Maybe a bit too much coffee this morning??? Since so …
It’s almost time for lunch, er, I mean, launch!
You know me. I’m always thinking food… But seriously, tomorrow is Launch Day! :::Cue balloons and music::: A Pair of Miracles will be available everywhere books are sold all over the world. Wow. Think of it. :::Karla sits and ponders::: Actually, I can’t wrap my mind around that internationally-available thing. So, I’m going to have a live feed pajama party …
Interview with Debut Author and Cancer Survivor, Barbara Britton!
When I met Barbara M. Britton online, I had no idea I’d met such an amazing Strong Girl. But as my recent interview with her on YouTube progressed, and she revealed her journey with and triumph over cancer, I was in complete and total awe of her courage and tenacity. She’s also a pastor’s wife and a Pelican Book Group …
Autism: Not Different Enough
When I read Gloria Doty’s book about her daughter with autism, I felt a great kinship with her. As you know, my twin adult sons also have a diagnosis of autism. As we venture into adulthood with them, I found this book an absolute comfort. It helped me realize that I’m not the only one experiencing all these new adventures …
Love and Cowboys: An Interview with Author Gloria Doty
If you’re into cowboys and romance, you’re going to love Gloria Doty and her new romance novels! What’s not to like about a title and cover like this? Bring a cowboy home? Don’t mind if I do… I fell in love with the book as soon as I saw it. And I pretty much fell in love with Gloria that …
Interview with author Amy Clipston
You are going to love this interview with best-selling author of Amish fiction, Amy Clipston! I fell in love with Amy’s work after reading her non-fiction biography, The Gift of Love about her husband’s journey with kidney disease. I loved that book, and you can read about it and view an interview about it here. She has several new Amish books out. …
Rocky Mountain Prophecy Conference Recap
I was blessed to have the privilege of attending the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference July 15-17. And just as expected, I was blown away by all I learned. In fact, I actually ordered the DVDs to the entire conference before I left because my brain can only contain so much information at one time. And when I learn something, …
What’s on your writing desk, Mary Sayler?
Karla: Today we’re visiting Mary Sayler at her writing desk! Mary also shares details about her routine. Take it away, Mary! Mary: I’m at my desk every morning, writing and posting Praise Poems or blogging on various aspects of words and The Word for The Word Center blog. Since I’ve been a full-time freelance and assignment writer for Christian and …