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Today’s Blog is brought to you by the letter “L.”
A still, small voice longs to be heard.
Above the cacophony of clacking machines, credit card swipes, family spats.
Can you hear it?
The whisper of Love: wooing, desiring, reaching, stretching through the noise.
Stop, dear friend, at this Christmas-tide and take time to listen for that voice of love.
It longs to hold you and speak your name.
That Voice, the One Whose birthday we celebrate, and yet, go about our duties like countless re-enactments of Martha, frantic about the business of the party.
But if it’s His party, shouldn’t He be the One Whom our attention is focused?
Stop. Put down the paper, the ribbons, the mixing spoon. Take time to Listen.
Love is calling.
Merry Christmas, Child of the Most High God.
You are Loved with mercy so rich you can’t comprehend it.
Bathe in that gift. Rejoice. Celebrate.
Give praise.
And Listen.