As I mentioned last week, this year I’m giving away Brilliant Blog Awards! Behold the coveted button: Who knew running such a contest would mean so much graphic design and html? Whew. But I think I have the kinks out. Here’s how it works. (Refer to last week’s post for categories, etc.) I will choose one or more blogs per …
Do you have an award-worthy blog?
I love blogs. I read a lot of them, but there are only a few I dare spend precious time on. I’m rather picky. If I read your blog regularly, rest assured it’s a good one. A really good one. This year, I’m going to share my favorites with my readers. Each month I will choose one blog in a …
What do you want to read about?
I truly want to create a blog that is fun, entertaining and useful. We are all short on time, aren’t we? The last thing we need to do is waste our time reading blogs that we don’t connect with. I deeply desire to connect with you, Dear Reader. Would you be so kind as to fill out this survey? I’d …