Did you hear? The world is going to end in September. Or something like that. Apparently, the Illuminati has been sending us subliminal messages since way back via movies. Some folks think Jesus is going to return during Rosh Hashana. Others think the Illuminati is going to put us (Christians?) in internment camps. Honestly, I don’t know if all these things …
Strong Girl Saturday: Different? That’s Way Okay! By Elaine Stock
Can you see her? She’s the kindergartener reading a book in the corner because a speech impediment tossed bricks between her and the ability to make easy friends.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
My church family gave us the most unexpected surprise Sunday when they presented all the pastors with gift baskets via our talented clown ministry team. As you may or may not know, my husband is the pastor of Christian Fellowship Church in North Manchester, Indiana. It’s one of the smallest churches in town member-wise. It’s not the hip church or …
Strong Girls aren’t ashamed of their Christianity
We are living in troubling times as Strong Girls. Which is why now, more than ever before, it’s important to remain strong and firm in our faith. Christians throughout the world are dying for believing in Jesus. Maybe you think this will never happen to you, but I’m sure other Christian women and girls in the world thought the same …
Strong Girls are Happy Girls
Do you know what kind of girl is a pretty girl? A happy girl. Are scowly, bitter girls happy or pretty? I don’t think so. Strong girls are happy girls. And one sure way to keep from being happy is to be unforgiving and spiteful. I know it isn’t easy. Our nature without Jesus is to take revenge. To give …
Strong doesn’t mean you’ll never cry
In the dictionary strong is defined as being “able to withstand great force or pressure.” There’s no doubt girls and women are under great forces and pressure these days. Everywhere we turn there are sexual messages. Movies, commercials, TV shows, magazines all send a message to women that they are valued more for their looks and sexuality than they are …
Strong Girls aren’t mean girls
Strong doesn’t mean you have the right to be rude. The Bible tells us that our tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Strong Girls use their words to build up, encourage and not tear down (1 Thess. 5:11). But how do you do that when you’re in the habit of gossiping and being negative? Wait upon …