I love widgets. Yes, I know, they are kind of tacky sometimes. But isn’t it fun to be a little tacky and little lampoon-Christmas-lights-crazy at this time of year? Here are some fun Christmas goodies for your online celebrations. The hard part is picking only one! Enjoy! Christmas countdown widget (if someone knows how to help me make this smaller, …
Who knows who you may inspire!
It’s really amazing how things work out in history. As I was doing research for my book about Marco Polo, I learned that Columbus read Polo’s book and it may have spurred him on to look for the far east himself. Is that cool or what? What if Marco Polo had never written about his travels? (Okay, so he didn’t …
Introducing pre-published author, Tom Threadgill!
When I first read Tom’s work, I was blown away by his talent. When you read his book, you’ll see why. His writing is seamless and spell-binding. Usually when I read a break-out author’s first work, I find myself editing. When I read Tom’s, I got caught up in the story. It gave me the creeps. And that’s a good thing, because he write creepy Christian fiction! I see big things in this man’s future!
R is for Rain
My favorite sound in the world is rain. Sprinkle in a tiny bit of thunder, and I’m in moody heaven. Rain helps me think. Rain makes me want to curl up with a blanket and a book and read. Some people listen to Pandora while they work. And I do, too, sometimes. But my favorite go-to sound for drowning out …