Welcome to day 15 of the Christmas Countdown!
Today’s Random Act of Kindness:
Make someone smile!
If you’d like all the random acts of kindness in one list, email me and I’ll send you a copy.
If you’re reading this, I doubt you’re an old crumudgeon who can’t think of a way to make someone smile. But on the slight chance you are, here are some ideas:
- Call an old friend just to say hi
- Leave big tips today
- Call your parents
- Take treats to work
- Hold a door open for a stranger.
- Invite someone to lunch.
- Fill your spouse’s car up with gas
- Make coffee for your spouse in the morning and take it to them
- Take someone to the movies
- Take someone to see the Christmas lights
- Tell a cashier to have a nice day.
- Put money in the parking meter for someone else
- Bake a cake for your pastor
- Tell someone you thought about them the other day.
- Give someone a good book to read
- Send flowers
- Take an older person out for dinner or give them a ride to the grocery store
- Offer free baby-sitting
- Offer to help a family who cares for someone with disabilities
- Help your neighbor rake leaves or shovel snow.
- Give someone yur place in line
- Give out ten free hugs
- Write thank you notes
- Wave to strangers in other cars (be safe, though!)
- Compliment every person you meet today
- Play chess or a board game with a child or elderly person
- Cook dinner if that’s not something you do often
- Cook breakfast if that’s not something you do often
- Do a dance in the grocery line
- Give up your place in the grocery check out
- Pray for someone
- Ask someone about their children.
- Write a poem for someone.
- Pet sit for someone or listen to their pet stories
- Spread joy all year long!
Today’s Scripture
Luke 2:19, TLB
But Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and often thought about them.
Today’s Song: Almost There
Tweet This: How do you make someone smile?
Leave your comments below and let me know if you’re participating!
Have fun and Merry Christmas!