A Pair of Miracles: Isaac got a job!

When your identical twin brother has a job and you don’t, it’s a tough row to hoe. Let’s rephrase that. When your identical twin brother with autism has a job and you have autism, and you don’t have a job yet, it’s super hard to process and understand.  Last week Isaac started his new job! This has been a long road for …

The (not so) glamorous life of a writer

Hello, beautiful people! Today is LAUNCH DAY! Yep, today is the day my new book, A Pair of Miracles, the story of my twins’ journey with autism, ventures out into the great big world. (Did you get your copy yet? Huh, huh, huh, did ya, did ya, did ya?) Okay. Maybe a bit too much coffee this morning??? Since so …

Proof: teaching sign language and communication works

In my last post, Teaching autism: first things first, I talked about the importance of teaching sign language and communication skills first. After I posted the video, I found the following inspiration: I’m passionate about kids getting early intervention and getting it consistently. Indiana education systems need to wake up. There are too many students who don’t get the chance …

Teaching autism: first things first

What do we do first for kids with autism? Teach them to communicate! Meet their sensory needs! Here’s the video I created to share with those who work with your child with autism. I hope it helps!   Let me know what videos you’d like to see by leaving me a note in the comments below. Please tweet: What other …

Princess in training

I’ve been interviewing for a day job for months now. I want the day job for which I’ve sacrificed and gotten my degree. I know that job is out there. It just hasn’t found me yet. I was asked recently in a job interview what two most important lessons I’d learned in the past year. My answers: Humility and Perseverance. I …

Public School’s Answer to Autism: Jail

What kind of society yanks a 10-year-old child with autism from school in the middle of the day, tears him away from his mother (who had NO notice until the moment it happened), and throws him in jail for something he did months ago? The United States of America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. Aren’t we something? …

Are you old school 3-D or digital?

I think I live in an awesome time to be a writer. What used to take months, even years, to research, I can learn now with just a few clicks. I don’t have to travel anywhere but to my writing cave to go all over the world. I don’t even need a thesaurus, dictionary or encyclopedia at my side. Click. Click. …