I love reading about the writing habits of great writers. Maybe it’s because I’m looking for that one secret element that made them great. I guess there is one secret that’s consistent with all of them: they worked hard. So much harder than we do today. I’ll explain in a bit. But first, let’s look at what C.S. Lewis had …
World Autism Awareness Day
I believe in confirmations from the Lord that I’m on the right track. And lately, with the hardships my family has experienced, I needed a little boost of confidence. Today is Autism Awareness Day. It’s a very special day for me because I am a Mom of twin adults (age 19) with autism. And it’s also a special day because …
God’s Unexpected Blessings
A week ago today I was feeling rather low. I even blogged about it I was feeling so bad. Then, one blessing after another flowed into my life in unexpected ways. I got good news. A check came in the mail. And by sheer Providence, I got to meet Temple Grandin and interview her face to face for a full …
Book Review: Daughters in Danger Helping Our Girls Thrive in Today’s Culture by By Elayne Bennett
Today for our Strong Girl post, I am going to share a book with you that I think mothers of girls everywhere in the United States should read. Daughters in Danger by Elayne Bennett is an extremely well-written book that reveals valuable information about a world that devalues girls and places pressure on them to desire the very things that …
Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids?: How Moralism Suffocates Grace by Samuel C. Williamson
My degrees are in Christian Education. So as soon as author Samuel C. Williamson asked me to read and review this book I jumped at the opportunity. Could it be that my life’s work has been for naught? Had I led a generation of kids and teens astray? I had to wonder because some of the kids I’d worked with …