Interview with Award-Winning Author, David S. Brody regarding his new release, Powdered Gold

I’m excited and honored to introduce you to David S. Brody and his latest release, Powdered Gold. I’ve written about Brody before, and I read three of his books over Christmas break while recovering from surgery. I’m happy to say Powdered Gold: Templars and the Ark of the Covenant kept me as entertained as his two former books in the …

Autism weekends

Weekends and autism are a challenge. Weekends mean less structure. And Saturdays usually end up with the twins fighting. Even though they’re 18, they still fight. Developmentally they are only about 8 or 9 years old. And I have to remember that.  Add autism to the mix and it’s just not the kind of dynamic that’s by any means “normal” …

Z is for Zoom!

It is with great sadness that I introduce the last letter of our A to Z blog hop: the letter Z. Or as they say in Australia: Zed. Z is for Zoom! Which is my favorite thing to do. I love go to FAST. Unless I’m running. Then it’s not zoom but doom. But as long as there are other …

Ally’s Angle: On being a nerd

Today’s blog post is written by my talented intern, Allison O’Neil! I’ve always been a nerd. The term gets slung around by bullies and “cool kids,” and in this sense can mean anything from an insufferable know-it-all to an uncoordinated kid whose clothes don’t fit. But that’s not why I like being a nerd. For me, being a nerd is …

Y is for Yentl

Today’s A to Z Meme is sponsored by the Letter Y! Y is for Yentl. Yentl is my favorite, favorite movie of all time. Disclaimer: I do not at all agree with Barbara Streisand’s politics. Also, this movie does have some “hiney” nudity.  Yes, I’m a prude when it comes to watching such things in a family setting. This is …