If you’re into cowboys and romance, you’re going to love Gloria Doty and her new romance novels! What’s not to like about a title and cover like this? Bring a cowboy home? Don’t mind if I do… I fell in love with the book as soon as I saw it. And I pretty much fell in love with Gloria that …
Writer Wednesday with Award-Winning Author, Bob Hostetler
I met Bob Hostetler at a recent ACFW-Indiana meeting. I had no idea how much I admired his work until I saw his book table. And there it was. A book that had a huge influence on my life as a youth minister and teen Sunday School teacher: I raised my kids and a whole passel of other kids on …
Testimony Tuesday featuring Amy Clipston
I’m so excited to have found Amy Clipston! Amy’s story is profound. And I was thrilled when she agreed to an interview. So, grab a cuppa, lean back, and enjoy the show! Amy’s next book will be out in June! And be sure to check out her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AmyClipstonBooks Tweet this: She saved two lives with one of her kidneys!
Book Review: Empire Beneath the Ice by Stephen Quayle
I have a wee confession to make. It may surprise my readers a little. Maybe not. I’m not exactly your typical granny. I’m addicted to Stephen Quayle’s books. For the past six months or so I’ve been devouring them. And this is the latest of a bunch I’ll be reviewing for you. It’s his most recent and I read all …
The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry
Order at Amazon Order at Barnes and Noble Order at Kregel Since I’ve been overbooked, I asked a friend of mine, Joe Fausnight, to read and review this book for me. Here’s his take: Captain Greene was an American Pilot from Indiana who was flying missions over Germany in 1943 when he was shot down. As his plane fell he …
Evening Prayers: For Every Day of the Year
“Deliverance Leads to Healing and Revival” To understand this book of prayers entitled Evening Prayers: For Every Day of the Year by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, I think it’s important to understand their context. The only way to understand their context is to know more about the man who wrote them. The history of this author is fascinating. In 1838, Blumhardt’s …
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas
Okay, so I’m early (a proper lady is never late). But it’s never too early to plan for Christmas, right? I simply must share this little treasure with you. It’s a book called Watch for the Light and it includes readings from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dorothy Day, Madeleine L’Engle, Martin Luther, Kathleen Norris, Henri Nouwen, Philip Yancey, Karl Barth, Síren Kierkegaard. Thomas Aquinas, …
Discipleship: Living for Christ in the Daily Grind by J. Heinrich Arnold
“What a great gift it would be if we could see a little of the great vision of Jesus – if we could see beyond our small lives! Certainly our view is very limited. But we can at least ask him to call us out of our small worlds and our self-centeredness, and we can at least ask to feel …
One of my favorite historical fiction authors, Susan F. Craft, releases new book: Laurel
I’m so excited about Susan F. Craft’s new book, Laurel. I love Susan’s writing so much I read this compelling story in one sitting! I couldn’t put it down. The book is about a young couple whose daughter is kidnapped by slave runners in the backwoods of South Carolina. The couple hunts for their daughter in the wilderness and finally …
Beautiful voice, 5-star book–you gotta read this one!
I’m extremely excited today because one of my favorite author’s debut novel, Like There’s No Tomorrow, comes out today! I discovered this beautiful writing voice some years ago and I’m thrilled it’s finally hitting bookstore shelves! Camille Eide writes heart-tugging tales of love, faith, and family. She lives in Oregon with her husband and is a mom, grammy, church office …