Autism grows up: Their first jobs!

It’s been an exciting school year so far at the Akins ranch. The twins are in their senior year. They are 20 years old and will be 21 in February. They’ve waited quite anxiously for several years for this to happen and now it has. They have jobs! Their vocational school, Heartland Career Center, has a program that helps high school …

Dear autism families, how do you spell spontaneity?

Because I really want to know. Sometimes I fantasize about running errands and grocery shopping. Freely, that is. I mean, without all the logistical hoop jumping that has to take place before, during and after. Before: rustling up the courage to ask someone to either go with me on errands or come watch the family so I can go alone. …

All the shiny things

Blogging is like exercise. It’s too easy to get in the habit of not doing it. I love to blog. I’ve blogged since the 90s and have had at least a dozen blogs over the years. My problem is finding a focus.  I tend to lead life that way, too. There are so many shiny things that distract me: theology, …

What’s on your writing desk? Featuring J’nell Ciesielski

Today our guest is J’nell Ciesleski who has generously agreed to share her writing space with us! Karla: J’nell, I’ve noted from your website that you write adventurous, historical romance. Where do you settle in to weave your stories? J’nell: I have two spaces of writing. One, my designated office with a pretty view of the tree filled backyard, a plush …